JanuaryAfflicting! A blackjack dealer cheats live on Bet Online
Professional blackjack player Michael Morgenstern recently witnessed a live cheat from a dealer on the Bet Online site. The video posted by the player clearly shows the dealer changing the order of the cards, which results in losing the player, even though he would have won the hand otherwise. Despite the buzz that begins to be generated by this scam, Bet Online remains silent for the time being. The croupier cheats deliberately This is the worst publicity that can be made at a gaming site.
While some platforms have made it a practice to wait for Sports Betting Review withdrawals from players to avoid having to pay them or to invoke suspicious rules to cancel the withdrawal, others have decided to save time. Morgenstern is one of the players who have been cheated, knowing that many others are concerned but have not realized it. In the video shown here, the croupier can be seen pushing the card forward with his index finger to raise it and take the card instead.